#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# The author disclaims all copyrights and releases this script into the
# public domain.
# Converts /etc/passwd data into a .ini format.
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
my %opts;
getopts 'a:c:', \%opts;
# build any 'system_account=true;foo=bar' pairs into defaults hash
my %defaults;
if ( exists $opts{a} ) {
%defaults = map { split /(?) {
next if m/^#/; # OS X has leading comments
my %user = %defaults;
my @fields = split /:/, $_;
# KLUGE assume 7 == standard, 10 == +class/change/expire fields. Will
# likely nned "on $OS, use the following fields names" lookup table...
if ( @fields == 7 ) {
@user{qw(name passwd id gid gecos home shell)} = @fields;
} elsif ( @fields == 10 ) {
@user{qw(name passwd id gid class change expire gecos home shell)} =
} elsif ( @fields == 6 ) {
# KLUGE seen this on Linux, assume shell not set...
@user{qw(name passwd id gid gecos home shell)} = ( @fields, $false_shell );
} else {
die "error: unknown number of fields: count=", scalar @fields,
", file=$ARGV, line=$.\n";
unless ( exists $user{name}
and defined $user{name}
and exists $user{id}
and defined $user{id} ) {
warn "warning: skipping invalid user entry: line=$.\n";
push @users, \%user;
} continue {
close ARGV if eof;
for my $user ( sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @users ) {
print "[$user->{name}]\n";
print " passwd = $user->{passwd}\n"
unless $user->{passwd} =~ m/^\*/
or $user->{passwd} eq 'x';
$user->{gecos} ||= q{};
$user->{home} ||= q{};
$user->{shell} ||= $false_shell;
print " id = $user->{id}\n";
print " gid = $user->{gid}\n" unless $user->{id} == $user->{gid};
print " realname = $user->{gecos}\n";
print " homedir = $user->{home}\n";
print " shell = $user->{shell}\n";
# KLUGE print additional fields. probably should template this...
for my $entry ( qw(class change expire), keys %defaults ) {
next if not exists $user->{$entry};
next if not defined $user->{$entry} or $user->{$entry} eq q{};
next if $user->{$entry} eq '0';
print " $entry = $user->{$entry}\n" if exists $user->{$entry};
print "\n";